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atomizer short怎么办

日期:2022-06-13 13:07:19 来源:当代营销网 浏览:410次 栏目:百科

第一节 囗鼻喷洒分近远

Section Six Nose and Mouth Spraying near and far


The product of high temperature gasification inhalation method is prepared for cancers such as respiratory tract. in addition, the product is put into an atomizer to make nose smell and directly participate in pulmonary artery circulation. It can also play the following two unique advantages: first, it can play a direct or indirect role in the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases and lung cancer through the combination of contact and heating administration; Second, while the blood pumped out by the heart is oxygenated in the pulmonary aorta, the drug content and substance components and the password information of the disease treatment are first transmitted to the systemic arterial blood circulation network, and the drug substances contained in the water medicine, water vapor and water molecules are used to enter the blood, directly dissolve and clean the garbage in the blood, cut off the replication chain and transmission path of the bacteria, so that it can be suppressed or destroyed in a short period of time. This fully proves the cleverness of " Water Medicine for water disease" and " water www.czybx.comtreatment and blood removal" methods in " water medicine", which are more in line with the current development trend of external hyperthermia therapy and mist inhalation therapy for cancer.



1. The mouth contains activated secretory glands

Usage and mechanism: since the whole course of this series of drugs contains small molecular components of biological peptides, each time it takes about 2 grams of oral water and ointment, it is indefinite 3 - 5 times a day and lasts for about 10 minutes each time, which is more beneficial to activate the secretion and absorption of oral mucosa and glands. For tumors such as the digestive system of esophagus, stomach, liver, and intestinal cancer, they can also be slowly swallowed. instead, they will speed up the direct delivery of drugs to the focus, which is more conducive to the release, absorption, and treatment. they will directly and indirectly administer drugs to the focus. At the same time, through animal experiments and clinical application with researchers and patients, it has been confirmed that it does not have any adverse reactions before it dares to write that it can be chosen without any irritation. it can also be taken orally or swallowed appropriately with cream and water of grade type, but it does not advocate taking a large amount of oral liquid, and it is wary of the stomach's appetite being affected by the stimulation caused by taking too much medicine.



2. Oxygen supply to eliminate phlegm and break the source of disease

The use of this series of biological drugs in clinical treatment is also worth mentioning, nasal mucosa administration ( see chapter I, section 8 for the principle ), which includes applying ointment, absorbing mist with hot drugs or spraying liquid medicine, etc. It can not only directly treat common diseases in the nasal cavity, but also, more importantly, through the route leading to the trachea and lung duct system in the nasal cavity, the substance elements of the medicine can be directly or indirectly transmitted and sprayed to the focus, thus playing a good way of giving oxygen first aid, removing sputum, blocking the infection of the disease and treating lung diseases.






Direct oxygen supply The use of this series of biological drugs in clinical

treatment is also worth mentioning, nasal mucosa administration ( see chapter I, section 8 for the principle ), which includes applying ointment, absorbing mist with hot drugs or spraying liquid medicine, etc. It can not only directly treat common diseases in the nasal cavity, but also, more importantly, through the route leading to the trachea and lung duct system in the nasal cavity, the substance elements of the medicine can be directly or indirectly transmitted and sprayed to the focus, thus playing a good way of giving oxygen first aid, removing sputum, blocking the infection of the disease and treating lung diseases.

In clinical observation, the death rate caused by hypoxia is the highest in patients due to various causes. Since people need the supply of oxygen at all times of life, it is precisely the factors and environment that make oxygen lack of oxygen. In conclusion, there are two major factors that make people lack oxygen:

(1)The main results are as follows: (1) although modern living articles are very rich, chemical additives are often used beyond the standard in many food articles. From household articles to food, clothing, living and travelling, they all look beautiful and colourful. Because the heart of love beauty everyone has, delicious everyone greedy, easy everyone wants, this will le白熊资讯网ad to the increase of toxins, and overweight more people. The stEathQCudy also confirmed that people who were overweight did not change the size and severity of their bones, more than the amount of acid-toxic waste from fat, oil, water and other compounds, all of which were the most fundamental factors leading to the "three high" disease and major diseases.

With the increase of obesity and its major diseases, there will be more and more people who cause hypoxia in the body's organs and tissues.

(2) at the same time, with the rapid development of society, it has also brought great pollution to the environment, resulting in a decline in the quality of essential air for human life, mixed with air with a large number of pathogens and harmful substances, which can enter the lungs directly through the mouth and nose. However, respiratory tract diseases lead to hypoxia in many tissues and organs, such as heart and lung.





The clinic also proves that oxygen delivery through nasal cavity is also a good way to relieve transient hypoxia. However, the conditions for this administration are very high, because the nostrils face downward, and the liquid medicine flows easily. The paste is too thick and sticky, which can easily block the unobstructed airflow and aggravate hypoxia. The medicine must also have biological activity, leaving no residue like gel-like aqua, and must not contain any western medicine ingredients. Because mawww.czybx.comny people will have allergic reactions to different western medicines, if there is another drug allergy at this time, the disease will worsen and even die immediately. Moreover, the gel-like liquid medicine is diluted because it is thick to see, does not flow out into the nostril, and is quickly compatible with the mucous membrane in the nose. it is also easy to be quickly absorbed, leaving no residue. while the water does not flow, it can also contain ingredients that kill various bacterial viruses and eliminate swelling and scattered nodules. For example, if drugs are delivered from the nasal cavity, one can directly kill bacteria and viruses in the nasal cavity, treat various excrescences such as rhinitis, nasal polyps and nasal septum edema, and promote the smooth flow of the respiratory tract. Secondly, it can rapidly fuse and activate hemoglobin in its blood, supply oxygen to the heart, brain and lungs, and play a role in emergency life.

Aspiration of fog and sputum: clinical research and observation in recent years show that chronic viral rhinitis is easy to cause lung diseases, and the old lung diseases are the main cause of the high incidence of lung cancer. Clinical experience also found that some critically ill patients, especially those who died before their death, were more likely to die because of phlegm blocking the respiratory tract.

Removing phlegm is difficult and water is easy, phlegm is aquatic, and qi is blocked by phlegm. Phlegm produces all kinds of diseases, and treatment is gentle. It's really a wonderful way to eliminate phlegm, absorb fog, supply oxygen, help the nose and lungs. Depending on the content and method of the drug, its effect and curative effect also differ greatly. In the treatment of lung and trachea due to phlegm obstruction, traditional Chinese medicines are often used, such as Xin Chuang qu Qiao, Hua tan San Jie, ventilation and water supply. Let's introduce a clinical practical small unilateral:

10g of ephedra, 10g of mint and 10g of asarum respectively, 20g of peucedanum root and 20g of monkshood respectively, and 1g to 2g of borneol. After adding 600ml of water, the hot mist will absorb the nose ( when used, borneol will be added ). for those in critical condition, the boiled hot liquid can be put on a towel in an appropriate amount, with no skin burn, on the face of the patient's mouth, nose or mouth, or after decocting or concentrating and atomizing, and then mixed with the five-way gel solution to plug the nostrils. however, this traditional Chinese medicine decoction cannot be taken orally. If you have any problem, you can simply use this five-way gel solution to plug the nasal cavity. Or smear it on the chest and back, and apply a thin film to cover it. after waking up, it can be swallowed in a proper amount, which is better for the curative effect of


文章标题: atomizer short怎么办

文章地址: www.czybx.com/baike/63195.html

