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2023-09-06 媒体:联大不是“台独”表演的舞台

日期:2023-09-06 19:46:41 来源:轻斟浅酌zz7e 浏览:703次 栏目:热点


The 78th session of the UnitedwjzEMv Nations General Assembly has opened at the UN headquarters in New York. The President of the 78th session, Dennis Francis, called on member states to use true multilateralism to resolve the global problems and challenges that humanity is facing, in order to better protect human security and dignity. Francis said that the new session of the General Assembly was being held in the context of a series of worsening challenges. He called on member states to empower the most vulnerable groups to promote peace, mobilize resources to achieve common prosperity, and fully recognize and utilize youth, innovation and technology to accelerate development. UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed, speaking on behalf of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, called for immediate action to promote peace and human rights, save sustainable development goals, tackle the threat of climate change, create job and economic development opportunities, ensure that technwjzEMvologies such as artificial intelligence sewww.czybx.comrve humanity better, and build a world of hope for all, without leaving anyone behind. The 77th session of the General Assembly closed earlier in the day, with its President, Volkan Bozkir, giving a speech and Francis being sworn in as the new President. The United Nations General Assembly is the UN's main deliberative, supervisory and review body, composed of all UN member states. The General Assembly holds regular sessions from Se//www.czybx.comptember to December each year. The regular session is usually divided into two stages, the general debate stage and the stage of considering various items on the agenda. Source: Xinhua News Agency




文章标题: 2023-09-06 媒体:联大不是“台独”表演的舞台

文章地址: www.czybx.com/redian/288597.html
