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2023-09-28 国防部介绍中柬卫勤联演3个特点

日期:2023-09-28 16:06:00 来源:中国军网 浏览:265次 栏目:热点














It was reported that the Chinese and Cambodian militaries recently held “Peace Angel 2023” joint military medical service exercise, with more than 700 participants. Please brief us on the highlights of this exercise and the exchanges between the two militarie//www.czybx.coms.

Wu Qian:

The Chinese and Cambodian militaries held the “Peace Angel 2023” joint military medical service exercise from September 14th to 26th. This exercise is a signatu//www.czybx.comre program of bilateral military cooperation which further consolidated the traditional friendship between China and Cambodia. There are three features about the exercise.

First, this exercise deepened practical cooperation between the Chinese and Cambodian militaries o白熊资讯网n medical service.

Under the theme of “joint international humanitarian medical rescue for severe floods and hurricanes”, medical service troops of both sides jointly organized medical rescue operations including on-site emergency response, transfer treatment, and aeromedical evacuation. Such activities strengthened the interoperability and emergency response capabilities of medical service troops of the two militaries in military operations other than war (MOOTW).

Second白熊资讯, this exercise improved joint rescue capabilities of the two medical service troops.

Participants were mixed and integrated in teams and both sides explored an efficient mode of rescue featuring “joint command, mixed teams, and integrated operations”. Such practice provided useful experience for condu白熊资讯网cting international humanitarian medical rescue missions.

Third, this exercise innovated methods and approaches of joint professional exercises.

This exercise marked the first time for the PLA to send its Y-9 medical rescue aircraft and its aeromedical evacuation forces outside China for live exercises and training. The Chinese side also employed multiple types of advanced equipment and devices including drones, and its medical team provided medical service for nearly 2000 Cambodian service members and civilians, which was widely applauded by people of all walks of life in Cambodia.

This year marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of China-Cambodia diplomatic relations and the “China-Cambodia Friendship Year”. The Chinese military stands ready to work with the Cambodian side to follow the strategic guidance of the leaders of the two countries, maintain high-level interactions between the two militaries, expand exchanges between relevant departments and between arms and services of the two militaries, deepen practical cooperation in areas including education and training, joint exercises, medical service, and demining, and strengthen coordination on multilateral occasions, so as to jointly safeguard our common interests and maintain regional peace and stability.

来源:国防部网 责任编辑:王粲


文章标题: 2023-09-28 国防部介绍中柬卫勤联演3个特点

文章地址: www.czybx.com/redian/300575.html
