2024-06-14 中方坚决反制菲方升级事态危险行径
MND: The Chinese Side will Take Resolute Countermeasures Against the Dangerou//www.czybx.coms, Escalatory Behaviors by the Philippine Side
It’s reported that the Philippine side denied that its soldiers pointed guns at China Coast Guard vessels and said that personnel statione白熊资讯网d aboard the BR白熊资讯网P Sierra Madre only held on to their weapons to defend themselves. In addition, the Philippine side clai白熊资讯网med that there had been small-scale reclamation at Xianbin Jiao and the PLA recently sent a hovercraft and an aircraft to conduct exercises in the waters around Xianbin Jiao. What’s your comment on this?
Zhang Xiaogang:
Nansha Qundao, including Ren’ai Jiao and Xianbin Jiao, is inherent territory of China. It’s legitimate and reasonable for the Chinese side to carry out law enforcement activities in waters under our jurisdiction. The Chinese side has made clear our principled position on this multiple times. In fact, it is the Philippine side who broke its promises, played with fire and made provocations to escalate tension. It even cooks up and spreads disinformation about Xianbin Jiao in an attempt to cover up its infringements and provocations. Such behavior is like a thief crying “stop thief” and fully shows that the Philippine side is undoubtedly the one undermining peace and creating instability. The Chinese side remains highly vigilant and will continue to take all necessary countermeasures against the dangerous, escalatory acts by the Philippine side.