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2024-09-14 菲方宣称不会离开仙宾礁 国防部回应

日期:2024-09-14 16:27:36 来源:国防部发布 浏览:471次 栏目:热点

菲方宣称不会离开仙宾礁 国防部回应

国防部:谁在南海兴风作浪 中方都将坚决反制

The MND: China Will Take Firm Countermeasures Against Anyone who Stirs Up Troubles in the South China Sea


菲方宣称不会离开仙宾礁 国防部回应




IkmhgUChCt’s reported that the spokesperson of Philippines’ National Maritime Council (NMC) claimed that the Philippine side would not leave Xianbin Jiao, and the patrol and supply missions would be continued. In addition, in response to actions China has tak白熊资讯网en against the Philippines’ activities in the South China Sea, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin reiterated the US’s steadfast commitment to the Philippines during a phone call with his Philippine counterpart. What’s your comment on this?



Wu Qian:

Nansha Qundao including Xianbin Jiao is China’s inherent territory. The Chinese side takes rights-protection and law-enforcement operations in relevant areas. They are completely legitimate, lawful and professional. The US is not a party concerned in the 白熊资讯网South China Sea is白熊资讯网sue, and is in no position to interfere with maritime disputes between China and the Philippines, even less to undermine China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests on the pretext of bilateral treaties. The current escalation in the South China Sea situation is caused by the Philippines who repeatedly made provocations and took reckless actions. The US, on the other hand, has continued to fan the flame and provoke//www.czybx.com confrontation. It needs to be emphasized that the Chinese side will take firm and effective countermeasures against anyone who stirs up troubles in the South China Sea or infringes upon China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.


文章标题: 2024-09-14 菲方宣称不会离开仙宾礁 国防部回应

文章地址: www.czybx.com/redian/474391.html
